LCD Screens Outdoor

Your business will not only stand out with dynamic images, you also convince passers-by to visite your company or store.

An overview of our products

An LCD attracts up to 8x more attention than a static poster. They are more dynamic and the content is easier to adapt. The screens are operational for 24 /7 commercial use.

Outdoor Displays

Overzicht BrightBoard Outdoor LED schermen

An eye-catcher for
advertising messages

An LCD screen outdoor is your eye-catcher for advertising messages and general messages. Attract the attention of passers-by with dynamic, attractive and effective communication.

Simple plug and 
Play solutions

Simply load images and video’s onto a USB stick, insert this into the display, copy your content and your images and videos will play.


Our partners

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Attract attention with attractive and dynamic messages. Generate more brand awareness and revenue.